Cranes in the field

During migration the Common Crane passes close past the Dutch border with Germany and with proper easterly winds, we see migrating Cranes in spring and autumn. Every now and then, a couple choose to stay for a few days to rest and feed. A regular site for the Cranes is near the Groote Peel, a nature reserve on the border of Limburg and Noord Brabant. For several days now, a group is staying in the area. This morning I’m off to find them. It takes some driving across the back roads to find the field that is used today. Sometimes the best way to find such rare birds is to also keep an eye out for other birders! When you spot the birders, you’re also close to the birds! The same was true this morning and a group of 13 Cranes was quickly found in a field. 12 stayed together and a single Crane stood to the side. On closer inspection part of it’s left leg is missing. The Cranes are at some distance, but with the scope I can get good views and digiscope some photos and video of the Cranes. Two of the birds even are displaying to each other! Then after half an hour, all the birds, including the Lapwings in the field take of and fly away, probably to a field in the area.

I continue my birding trip to Posterholt. There’s an old forest here with a lot of old Oak trees. The forest is a good place to spot woodpeckers and particularly Middle Spotted Woodpecker, a rare bird in the Netherlands and is best found in Limburg and in early spring when the males are calling. Today I can find one calling male and I get a brief look at the bird. In the same location there are also Greater Spotted, Least Spotted and Black Woodpecker. With the Green Woodpecker near my home, I’ve seen five Woodpeckers today.

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