Dipper in the Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen

[singlepic id=71 w=150 h=100 float=left]Since November 2nd, there are (at least) two Dippers overwintering in the Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen. On November 21st, I was able to visit them. In the morning it took several hours before we located the first one. There were a lot of birders looking on the old sites, but no Dippers. For a while it looked like we were going to dip the Dipper. , But when we scanned a side stream we noticed two birders photographing: what would they be photographing? We walked over to them and one of the Dippers was feeding in the stream, near an overflow. We joined the two other birders and were able to observe, photograph and video the Dipper up close, sometimes as close as five meters! With the sun out, it was a great 45 minutes that we were able to spent there. During that time more and more birders joined us, but then two walkers needed to walk across the overflow and scared the bird away and the Dipper flow deeper into the Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen.

On the way back, we found a large group of birders/photographers, at least 50 persons, all surrounding the second Dipper. This one also flew away, but we found it again in a nearby filling station, where we could film and photograph the second Dipper, alas in the shade of the forest.

Here’s a short video of the Dipper:

[vimeo video_id=”18095333″ width=”400″ height=”225″ title=”Yes” byline=”Yes” portrait=”No” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”00adef”] [nggallery id=4]